Glocal health Consultants

"Glocal support on glocal issues –
health policy and implementation thought leadership"

Healthy Cities

Here you will find a series of video lectures on the evolution and implementation of Healthy Cities around the world. This material can be made available as a self-guided and self-assessed on-line course. Some videos are password protected. Go to the contact page to request the password – we need to be able to manage access parameters.

Core lectures

From palaeoepidemiology to Healthy Cities:

The parents of the Healthy Cities movement:

Eleven qualities of Healthy Cities:

Designing Healthy Cities:

Healthy Cities and Healthy Settings:

Governance for Healthy Cities:

Ecological community development:

Healthy City Futures:

Further information

The highline:

Healthy Cities in Asia-Pacific:

Healthy Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean:

European Healthy Cities Phase V Evaluation:

Health Political Science

If you are interested in ‘health political science’ (the application of theories from the political sciences and international relations to health issues and policies) you may enjoy this series of lectures:

Political thought:

Theories of the policy process:

Health policy:

Policy analysis:



